Website need updating?


Life In Naples Magazine publisher Reg Buxton started utilizing Social-Impact for publishing an online flipbook of his monthly magazine. His purpose was to extend his readership beyond his mailed circulation area of the select high income homes in Naples and Collier County.

The online version allows for “hot link” advertisements that readers can click on to take them to the advertisers’ websites.

This worked for a couple of years, however, as stories and content became more popular, it was difficult for readers and customers to share the content so we had to upgrade the site to make it easier.

Life In Naples Mobile

Life In Naples Mobile

Website For The New Computer Users

In 2012, Buxton chose to upgrade his website to post individual stories and provide the Flipbook magazine in a prominent location for those who preferred to view the content in a print format.

The website allowed Life In Naples Magazine to utilize social media platforms to extend the reach of the stories, mainly through Facebook and Twitter. In addition, a customized newsletter was created to promote the magazine in print and online, as well as bring viewers back to the website.

Website Years are like Dog Years

Jump ahead to 2016 – most e-newsletters are opened on a mobile platform. The magazine’s online reach now surpasses its print circulation, creating a need for a more mobile friendly site and a method to better display the stories with less emphasis on the the Flipbook magazine.

Life In Naples Flipbook

Life In Naples Flipbook

The Flipbook magazine still is available for those who prefer viewing the magazine style format seen at the left. However, it doesn’t allow for easy sharing of individual stories. As technology changed, Flipbook now allows for hot links to websites and can automatically be opened in an email when a person clicks on the advertisement or story. In addition, video can be added when provided.


Facebook Insights

Utilizing Social Media


Search Results

Sharing individual stories is now easy and has performed well for the publication, as you can see from the October Facebook analytics/insights, when there was not print publication to enhance the typical reading patterns. The impact Facebook alone holds is quite strong for Life In Naples Magazine. (See view to the right, click to enlarge.)

Best of all, when people search for Naples Lifestyle Magazines, look who shows up first after the ads. (See view on the left, click to enlarge.)

Below: Reg Buxton talks of his experience with Social-Impact below:

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