Story Telling and Search Engine Optimization

Public Relations and Speaking Engagements

sheraton hotelYou ever get asked to do something and you’re not sure you’re the right person for the job?

Twice, in the past few months, I’ve told people that I might not be the right person to speak to their organizations about topics that are relevant.

The first was the International Firestoppers Association at their international conference, and the other was Florida Recycling Today at an event at the Sheraton Safari Hotel in Orlando.

While both have riveting (pun intended, along with some slight sarcasm) subject matter, I promised to look over some member websites and give it some more thought.

Exploring the websites, it was easy to see they have the same issues as a retailer, a service provider, or anyone else trying to sell an idea or concept. I took the speaking engagements

Recycle FloridaThe common failing of attracting a relevant audience goes across all organizations. That is, the business owner or organizational leaders want to talk about their “stuff”, versus telling a story how they helped people solve a problem, or overcome some obstacle.

Story telling keeps a reader’s attention, but more importantly, it captures a circle of influence that can be used to attract and engage an audience that otherwise might never be reached. Using real people in real situations has impact and spreads easier.

firestoppersUsing video, photos and sharing on social media platforms bringing people back to your website, is the end result that also gives you website credibility with the search engines. The reason is simple, people click on the page to view their friends and because of the topic, you get credibility with the search engines.

Of course, we also talked about integrating all of the social media platforms with their websites along with a strategy for success, but, that is another topic I don’t have a real life story to tell here.

Read some of the other stories on this website to see them.

This week, I’ll be back to talking to a Kiwanis group about how to use Constant Contact for their business and organization. Now that will be easy.


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